Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog love

This is a bit of a "penance post" for not posting much this last week, and I'm tempted to make it into a regular (the blog love bit not the penance bit!). These are two blogs that are regular reads of mine and I just love coming back day after day and seeing their beautiful posts.

Brandi likes to "sing in the car, take pictures, write, watch cheesy romantic movies, bake and eat delicious desserts, drink milk, cuddle with and wake up next to M. and my three cats, wander around the streets of New York (and other cities), get lost in nature, laugh with friends, stare at the ocean, sit in front of a warm fire outdoors on an autumn night, organize things and make lists, dream up home designs, find inspiration, collect books (lots and lots of books), read, ice skate, dream, inspire people..." Doesn't that sound like someone you'd love to be friends with? I just feel right at home whenever I visit Brandi's blog. We have a lot of interests in common (I think anyway!), so it is always fun reading everything that interests her and the little tidbits she posts. She also has a very cute little food blog as well, called Pizzelles Bakery.

I've only just stumbled over this blog in the last few days but I've decided I'm madly in love! Katie is a cobbler, seamstress, fine art photographer, entrepreneur, crafter & collector of fine things. She is also a very creative, beautiful soul and her blog reflects the same.


  1. Thank you, thank you. You totally made me blush. I'm so glad we found each other.

  2. Lovely finds my dear - more fodder for the RSS reader :)
