Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our holiday

I've finally got my act together, and edited some of our photos from our holidays a whole seven (eep!) weeks ago. Feels like forever ago!
This isn't all the photos we took. You'd be downloading forever if I did that! (You might still be yet!) but these are the best photos we took (I think). Sorry, but this is a photo heavy post. You have been warned! :)

The biggest bottle tree you will ever see in your life! (in Roma)


The first place we went to was Miles, which is a township roughly 5 hours west of Brisbane. At Miles, there is a little touristy spot called the Miles Historical Village, which is full of historical buildings, artifacts and memorabilia from decades ago. It was a bit like a museum, but more fun!
The first photo, Washed, was taken in this historical village. One thing I noticed about the place was all the collections of objects. Bottles (like those beautiful coloured ones above), cameras, typewriters, lamps, shells, collections everywhere! So I decided that as I was walking around the village, I would try and photograph as many "collections" as I could.

The photo on the left is a view of part of the "village". Each little building was created as replica of one in the past - shops, barbers, pubs, even banks!
The photo on the right is a set of scales found in one of the "corner shops". It was so exact, it could weigh a piece of paper!

The local pharmacy. Love all those colours shining in the light.

A bank ledger from a real bank in the 1900s!

Once going through the historical village at Miles, we kept driving until we got to Roma, where we stayed for three days. In Roma is Queensland's oldest winery, Romavilla. I can say that I was expecting a lot of history from this place, but I didn't expect to see an old rundown shed full of wine kegs hundreds of years old!

A cute little shack which used to be an outdoor water closet, in the field next to the wine shed.

After leaving Roma, we drove up to the Bunya Mountains, which was about 3 hours back towards the coast. The top of the Bunya Mountains are covered in lush rainforest and we stayed in a cabin, right in the middle of the rainforest. Think log fire, wine and cheese, good books and a beautiful rainforest just outside the door! Now THAT'S my kind of holiday!
The next few photos were shot on a rainforest walk we went on. I'm not terribly good with the camera, so my hubby was giving me lessons as we walked through.

A ray of sunshine, seeping through the canopy, caught this log. I didn't realise it was so bright at the time!!

The gorgeous little cabin in the rainforest where we stayed. We had wildlife coming up to the backdoor in the evenings - mainly looking for food, but very cute nonetheless!

Some cute little mushrooms growing on the side of a dying tree. To get this shot, I had to dodge numerous stinging nettles and stinging trees. I felt like a proper Bear-Grylls-style wilderness photographer!

Don't you just feel like walking up that pathway?

Can you see him?

Yes, it was a lovely time, and I kind of wish we'd had a bit longer. Unfortunately, we've spent most of the last seven weeks just trying to catch up from this holiday, so it feels like forever ago. The next holiday won't be until January/February 2012 sometime (if we even get one). At least it will be summer, but I don't think you'll want to see photos of me lying on the beach because that's all I'll be doing!


  1. There are some great photos in this post. :) I spent a lot of childhood holidays in Miles, as we have relatives with an 11000 acre farm there, but I've never been to the Historical Village!

  2. Your photos are incredible. Some seriously made my jaw drop. The only problem with trips like yours is that they raise that wanderlust. I certainly would love to see these places in person.

  3. Putting two people who can hide in the shadow of a fishing line in front of the tree doesn't really help show how big it is :)
